How to Become a Female Escort
If you have been thinking of starting a career in the field of escort services, there are certain things you should know. These include requirements, reputation, and the ideal physique. Keep reading to learn more! Whether you’re already married or just interested in trying out the industry, there are several things you need to keep in mind. The first thing to consider is your reputation. In the world of escort services, it’s not enough to have a good personality. You must be able to make women feel comfortable with you.
Becoming a Female Escort
Becoming a female escort has many advantages, including the ability to learn new things and help people enjoy themselves. Working as a female escort can also be beneficial for your health. Being more aware of your body can help you build a healthy self-image, which will improve your mental health. If you are interested in learning more about becoming an escort, there are many opportunities available in Chicago.
You must be in the age group of 21 to 35 to work as an escort. You should weigh 40 to 65 kg and be of a slim build. Your health is important, as you are required to undergo a regular sexual health checkup. The requirements to become a female escort may differ according to the agency you work for. You must be punctual and motivated. You can earn anywhere between $20,000 and $50,000 a month.
Ideal physique
The ideal physique of a female escort can vary by location and ethnicity. The ideal woman in Peru will have a narrow waist, shapely hips, and a fuller-bodied body that evokes golden-era screen sirens. The ideal woman in Egypt will be sexy, athletic, and have a slim waist. Romanian escorts, on the other hand, will be fuller-bodied with a round, hourglass shape.
Agency to work for
Before starting your career as a female escort, you should consider a few factors. Firstly, you need to be clean. You should have at least three sex checks per year, and the agency you work for should have some specific requirements. These checks may include blood tests or swabs. Additionally, you should get yourself checked for STIs, and follow any treatment plan that your agency provides.